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The international initiative “4 per 1000” was set up by France in December 2015 as part of the Lima-Paris Action Plan (LPAP). 

The aim of the initiative is to show that agriculture, and in particular agricultural soils, can play a crucial role in relation to food security and climate change. Based on solid scientific documentation, this initiative invites all partners to show practical measures for carbon storage in the soil.

The aim of the initiative is to encourage stakeholders to move to productive, highly resilient agriculture based on adequate management of land and soil, creating jobs and income, and thus ensuring sustainable development. The executive secretariat of the "4 per 1000" initiative is hosted by the CGIAR, an international organization based in Montpellier.


The Biochar Association was founded in 2017 with the aim of supporting the use of biochar and helping to protect the environment by removing CO2 from the atmosphere. With our members, we advocate the sustainable production and use of biochar. We see ourselves as a partner for science, practice, technical system developers and political decision-makers.

Political framework conditions are the basis of our work. Government funding for climate farmers is our goal. We are active in the areas of fertilizer and soil protection regulations, organic farming and feed law.

Change needs science and research. The researched findings would like to be applied. Here we mediate with the aim of using biochar in a sustainable and material way - with a positive impact on the environment, animals and people.


On the near-natural site on Horstweg, the conservationists of the supporting association of the ecological NABU station Upper Wesertal (ÖNSOW), consisting of the NABU groups of the region and the NABU Lower Saxony, together with the nature conservation authorities of the districts of Schaumburg, Hameln-Pyrmont and Holzminden as well as the City of Hameln laid the foundation stone for future cooperation. A cooperation agreement was signed jointly, which is the basis for the work of ÖNSOW in the Weser Uplands.


In the LIFE BOVAR project, NABU Lower Saxony - together with its project and cooperation partners - is dedicated to the management of the yellow-bellied toad and other endangered amphibian species as well as the targeted development of dynamic habitats for species protection. Together with project partners from the Netherlands, North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony such as the School Biology Center Hildesheim and the Lower Saxony Ministry of the Environment, project actions and species protection measures are carried out over a period of eight years, which are intended to make a contribution to biological diversity.



Mission: We want to inspire, win and empower people to create and maintain the habitats of flower-visiting insects. Together we design and improve living spaces, in order to achieve our vision of a blooming landscape that is worth living in.

Vision: Imagine you live in a varied and colorfully blooming landscape. Bees and bumblebees are buzzing everywhere, butterflies fluttering through the air. The diversity of plants and insects strengthens nature and gives us caring people a livable and healthy living environment.

The following people or companies have donated large sums of money to us. We thank you very much!

